Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tips To Become Pregnant

So you want to have a baby. This can be a wonderful time but it can also be challenging. You simply cannot just expect to get into bed and wake up the next morning pregnant. That is not to say that this will not happen but as you know it can be a little bit more involved than that. Some women go months and months trying to get pregnant.

When trying to get pregnant it is important to remember to take it one step at a time. If you get overly consumed with trying – it can worry you too much and this can be counter productive.To start with you should first go see a medical professional or OBGYN. You just want to check that everything is ok before you try to get pregnant. At this juncture it will not be an infertility test. The objective is to have a pelvic exam to make sure that you are in good health.

Once you get the all clear then it is time to take a look at what your diet is. Right now you will want to start eating right. You will need a proper nutritionally balanced diet. Eat lots of fresh food and fruit. Eat foods that contain folic acid. It is wise also to have your partner do the same so as to ensure healthy sperm.

Drink lots of water. Cut out caffeine and if you smoke give it up immediately. Do not drink alcohol and under no circumstances should you do drugs.

The next objective is to work on your timing. To improve your odds of getting the timing right you will need to start charting. You can download free charts from the internet. Get in the habit of charting your data. This will be good to have if in the event you feel it necessary to go for an infertility test at a later stage. This will help doctors to diagnose this sooner.

To start charting take your temperature the first day of your cycle – then take your temperature in the mornings before you do anything. This will give you a more accurate reading. The day after you ovulate is when your body temperature will begin to rise. You should at this point see and increase of about .4 degrees.

Once you have pinpointed ovulation, then prepare the ground. You will want to have sex several days before you ovulate and then one to two days after. During this time drink lots of water which will help to increase your cervical fluid.

You can also buy ovulation kits to help you predict when you are ovulating but they can be pricey. Most importantly enjoy the journey of creating a new life.

Learn How To Get Pregnant Get a free report on how to Avoid 7 common mistakes and Get Pregnant Faster. Eliminate the stress that comes from worrying about getting pregnant take control of your fertility.

How To Stop Smoke

We present this book to you to help you quit smoking forever. The first week is the roughest. If you can make it just one week, you will be on your way to be tobacco free for life. Being healthy is the main reason to stop smoking. You will DIE if you continue to smoke.

If you are thinking of quitting, do you know how to quit and control the need to smoke that cigarette? Why do you smoke? If you are still smoking, ask yourself “Am I ready to quit Smoking”? Can I quit? You must be ready to quit smoking in order to quit and stop.

There are three factors which will determine your success:
1. You must be ready to quit smoking.
2. You must have faith in yourself to realize you are able to quit.
3. You must remember, your health should be the most important aspect of your
life. Smoking inhibits life.

Many people try to quit smoking, but cannot quit for several reasons. You might have been smoking for a long time and its a “habit” to pick that cigarette up. Many people
think about quitting, talk about quitting, and even try to quit several times. You might be one of those who have tried several times to quit, but it doesn't last long and you start smoking again. Nicotine reliability will be the hardest part to adjust in the quest to stop smoking.

Health tips

How much do you know about what makes up a healthy lifestyle? Here's a pop quiz.

1. How do you define working out?

a. Going to the gym.
b. Turning the jump-rope for the neighbor's kid.
c. Playing Frisbee with your dog.

2. How do you define good nutrition?

a. Eating a vegetable at every meal.
b. Eating two vegetables at every meal.
c. Drinking a fruit smoothie for breakfast.

3. Which of these is a healthy activity?

a. Push-ups, sit-ups, or running the track.
b. Walking the dog after dinner.
c. Spending Saturday afternoon snoozing on the sofa.

Believe it or not, the correct answer to every question is A, B, and C -- even that Saturday afternoon snooze! According to the growing "Stealth Health" movement, sneaking healthy habits into our daily living is easier than we think.

"You can infuse your life with the power of prevention incrementally and fairly painlessly, and yes, doing something, no matter how small, is infinitely better for you than doing nothing," says David Katz, MD, MPH, director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center and of the Yale Preventive Medicine Center. Katz is also co-author of the book Stealth Health: How to Sneak Age-Defying, Disease-Fighting Habits into Your Life without Really Trying.

From your morning shower to the evening news, from your work commute to your household chores, Katz says, there are at least 2,400 ways to sneak healthy activities into daily living.

"If you let yourself make small changes, they will add up to meaningful changes in the quality of your diet, your physical activity pattern, your capacity to deal with stress, and in your sleep quality -- and those four things comprise an enormously powerful health promotion that can change your life," says Katz.

And yes, he says, a nap on the couch can be a health-giving opportunity -- particularly if you aren't getting enough sleep at night.

Nutritionist and diabetes educator Fran Grossman, RD, CDE, agrees. "You don't have to belong to a gym or live on wheat grass just to be healthy," says Grossman, a nutrition counselor at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York. "There are dozens of small things you can do every day that make a difference, and you don't always have to do a lot to gain a lot."

Do a Little, Get a Lot

The notion that good health can come in small tidbits is not really new. Research showing that making small changes can add up to a big difference has been quietly accumulating for a while.

For example, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2004 found that adding just 30 minutes of walking per day was enough to prevent weight gain and encourage moderate weight loss.

And if 30 minutes is still too big a bite? Another study, published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, found that three brisk 10-minute walks per day were as effective as a daily 30-minute walk in decreasing risk factors for heart disease.

"Just the act of going from sedentary to moderately active gives you the greatest reduction in your risks," says Helene Glassberg, MD, director of the Preventive Cardiology and Lipid Center at the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia.

But it's not only in fitness where small changes can make a difference. The same principles apply at the kitchen table (and the office snack bar).

"Reducing fat intake, cutting down on sugar, eating a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar -- over time, these things can make a difference," says Grossman.

As long as the changes are moving you toward your goal -- be it weight loss, a reduction in cholesterol or blood pressure, or better blood sugar control -- you can get there by taking baby steps, she says.

Moreover, Grossman tells WebMD, making small changes can help give us the motivation to make bigger ones.

"A lot of bad eating habits are about not taking charge of your life, and that attitude is often reflected in other areas," says Grossman. On the other hand, she says, when you make small changes at the kitchen table, the rewards may show up in other areas of your life.

"It's the act of taking control that makes the difference in motivating you," says Grossman. "An inner confidence and power begins to develop that can be seen in other areas of life."

Tripping Over Baby Steps

Of course, not everyone is certain that baby steps can walk you all the way to good health. Marc Siegel, MD, a clinical associate professor at the NYU School of Medicine, says that while doing something is certainly better than doing nothing, making such small changes is like using a Band-aid to stop a hemorrhage.

"It's a small, gimmicky idea to target people with very unhealthy lifestyles, and for some it may be useful," says Siegel, author of False Alarm: the Truth about the Epidemic of Fear. But he fears that for most people, it's sending the wrong message.

"In some ways it's a resignation, an admission that things can't be changed -- and that's certainly not the long-term answer," Siegel tells WebMD.

Katz concedes that the Stealth Health approach may not be right for everybody.

"There is a trade-off because if you try to make the pursuit of health easier for people, you run the risk of leading them to believe they don't need to do very much -- and that would be the wrong message," he says.

At the same time, Katz believes that for those who find making health changes a daunting task, Stealth Health techniques can make a difference.

"If you want the really big gains, there has to be some pain," says Katz. "But there is a lot to be said for the idea that you can make some gains with little or no pain, and that's infinitely better than no gains."

Try the Stealth Health Approach

Tempted to give "Stealth Health" a try? Katz recommends picking any three of the following 12 changes and incorporating them into your life for four days. When you feel comfortable with those changes, pick three others. Once you've incorporate all dozen changes, you should start to feel a difference within a couple of weeks, he says.

To Improve Nutrition:

1. Buy whole foods -- whether canned, frozen, or fresh from the farm -- and use them in place of processed foods whenever possible.
2. Reject foods and drinks made with corn syrup, a calorie-dense, nutritionally empty sweetener that many believe is worse for the body than sugar, says Katz.
3. Start each dinner with a mixed green salad. Not only will it help reduce your appetite for more caloric foods, but it also will automatically add veggies to your meal.

To Improve Physical Fitness:

1. Do a squat every time you pick something up. Instead of bending over in the usual way, which stresses the lower back, bend your knees and squat. This forces you to use your leg muscles and will build strength.
2. Every time you stop at a traffic light (or the bus does), tighten your thighs and butt muscles and release as many times as you can. (Don't worry, no one will see it!) This will firm leg and buttock muscles, improve blood flow -- and keep you mildly amused!
3. Whenever you're standing on a line, lift one foot a half-inch off the ground. The extra stress on your opposite foot, ankle, calf and thigh, plus your buttocks, will help firm and tone muscles. Switch feet every few minutes.

To Improve Stress Control:

1. Give your partner a hug every day before work. Studies show this simple act can help you remain calm when chaos ensues during your day, Katz says.
2. Have a good cry. It can boost your immune system, reduce levels of stress hormones, eliminate depression, and help you think more clearly.
3. Twice a day, breathe deeply for three to five minutes

To Improve Sleep:

1. Sprinkle just-washed sheets and pillowcases with lavender water. The scent has been shown in studies to promote relaxation, which can lead to better sleep.
2. Buy a new pillow. Katz says that studies show that pillows with an indent in the center can enhance sleep quality and reduce neck pain. Also, try a "cool" pillow -- one containing either all-natural fibers or a combination of sodium sulfate and ceramic fibers that help keep your head cool.
3. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed. You'll be giving yourself a boost of fiber and essential fatty acids along with the amino acid tryptophan -- a natural sleep-inducer.

Tips-tips to Detoxify Your Diet

Aku akan secara terbuka mengakui Aku cinta puff keju, keju ikal, hampir semua jenis snack keju panggang - yang lebih neon warna, semakin baik. Saya juga benar-benar mencintai artisanal keju - dan, anehnya, keju puff, keju keriting, dan berwarna cerah sepupu mereka benar-benar merasakan apa-apa seperti jenis keju nyata. Bagaimana kita datang ke mendambakan rasa palsu ini? (Aku tahu aku bukan satu-satunya). Lebih penting lagi, kapan makanan menjadi begitu un-alami?

Dan, makanan kita tidak hanya menjadi lebih sintetis dari sebelumnya, itu juga dicampur dengan bahan-bahan dan kontaminan yang menimbulkan risiko kesehatan yang menyedihkan. Mereka tidak seperti salmonella, e-coli, atau patogen lain polutan yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit atau bahkan langsung mati. Pengotor beracun ini lebih berbahaya - halus menyebabkan kerugian dari waktu ke waktu.

Mengurangi paparan bahan-bahan yang tidak diinginkan dengan mengikuti 10 tips untuk detoksifikasi diet Anda.

1. Kemudahan di lemak hewan. Produk hewani dapat berisi hormon sintetis, organochlorine antibiotik dan bahan kimia, seperti dioksin, DDT dan pestisida lain, yang berkonsentrasi di lemak hewan. Bahan kimia yang sama yang menumpuk di lemak hewan akan ditransfer ke kita sendiri ketika kita makan mereka. Kemudian mereka berlama-lama di sana selama bertahun-tahun diam-diam menyebabkan kerusakan. Ketika Anda membeli daging, unggas atau susu, carilah pilihan lemak rendah (lemak tak jenuh mendapatkan kebutuhan tubuh Anda dari sumber tanaman seperti kenari, biji rami, dan alpukat). Trim semua lemak dan kulit dan panggang daging dan ikan sehingga menguras lemak pergi. Hindari goreng, yang akan mengunci di kontaminan. Anda juga dapat melakukan membantu tubuh Anda dengan mengurangi berapa banyak daging yang Anda makan. Bahkan membuat makanan vegetarian seminggu dapat membuat perbedaan besar.

2. Pilih aman seafood. Makan seafood adalah cara utama kita terpapar methylmercury, racun saraf yang potensial. Ikan juga dapat terkontaminasi dengan PCB, yang Badan Internasional untuk Penelitian Kanker dan Environmental Protection Agency telah menyatakan sebuah kemungkinan karsinogen. Gunakan Environmental Defense Fund Aman Seafood Selector untuk menemukan spesies yang terendah di kimia dan kontaminasi logam berat dan yang memancing dengan cara-cara yang tidak berbahaya bagi Oceans kami. Atau mengakses Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch, Salah satu yang lebih populer panduan makanan laut online, yang sekarang telah memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan informasi situs web mereka dengan mudah ketika Anda berdiri di depan kasus makanan laut dengan menggunakan free iPhone app.

3. Go organik. Menurut Environmental Working Group, Anda dapat menurunkan pajanan pestisida dengan 90 persen hanya dengan menghindari konvensional yang paling terkontaminasi tumbuh menghasilkan: peach, apel, paprika manis, seledri, nectarine, stroberi, ceri, selada, impor anggur, wortel, dan pir. Jika Anda benar-benar ketagihan salah satu makanan ini, memilih untuk organik. Konvensional tumbuh buah-buahan dan sayuran yang memiliki tingkat terendah residu pestisida meliputi: bawang, alpukat, jagung manis, nanas, mangga, asparagus, kacang polong manis, kiwi, kubis, terong, pepaya, semangka, brokoli, tomat, dan ubi jalar. Anda dapat men-download panduan yang saku EWG daftar dan kotor ini lusin dari

4. Prep menghasilkan Anda. Cuci semua buah-buahan dan sayuran baik untuk menghilangkan bahan kimia permukaan (dan patogen). It's termudah dan paling efisien untuk mencuci semuanya dengan benar ketika Anda membawanya pulang. Anda bahkan harus mencuci makanan dengan tidak termakan kulit jeruk - seperti melon, pisang, dan jeruk. Jika ada kontaminan di permukaan, Anda bisa mendapatkannya di pisau yang Anda gunakan untuk memotong atau di tangan Anda, dan kemudian menyebar ke bagian yang Anda makan.

5. Ban yang bisa. Kaleng makanan dan minuman yang dilapisi dengan resin yang mengandung bisphenol-A, hormon-bahan kimia yang mengganggu bangunan di lingkungan kita dan tubuh kita. Kebanyakan produsen mulai mengeksplorasi alternatif yang lebih aman, tapi sementara itu Anda harus memilih makanan yang segar, kering atau beku atau dikemas dalam botol kaca atau kemasan tetra.

6. Bulk up. Bulk makanan sering kurang diproses sehingga Anda mengurangi paparan dipertanyakan tambahan makanan. Membelinya massal juga dapat menyimpan Anda sampai $ 500 setahun! Masak Massal pokok seperti kacang-kacangan dan polong-polongan lainnya dan menyimpannya dalam freezer dalam melayani ukuran yang sesuai untuk ukuran keluarga Anda. Anda juga dapat membeli pasta kering, kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian, dan banyak kebutuhan pokok lainnya dalam jumlah besar.

7. Memasak masakan Anda dengan aman. Jika Anda menikmati memanggang atau daging matang, dianjurkan - Anda menambah risiko kanker Anda. Grilling menciptakan asap yang sarat dengan karsinogenik polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, atau PAHs, Yang berakhir di permukaan apa pun yang Anda memasak. Ketika daging, ayam dan ikan dimasak pada suhu tinggi untuk waktu yang lama (alias "well-done"), itu menciptakan karsinogenik heterosiklik amina, atau HCAs.

8. Baca label makanan - untuk nyata. Pernah berhenti untuk membaca label pada kemasan bahan, makanan olahan? Biasanya mulut penuh kata-kata sebagian besar dari kita memiliki waktu sulit mengucapkan, jadi apa sebenarnya yang kau makan? Anda dapat mempelajari bahan tambahan makanan yang aman dan yang tidak dengan mengunjungi Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan di Kepentingan Umum panduan keselamatan makanan, Tetapi akan lebih mudah untuk hanya memilih makanan utuh. Seluruh makanan yang tidak diproses, sehingga mereka memiliki semua nutrisi alami mereka hadiah. Cari makanan yang terbuat dari biji-bijian (bayangkan roti gandum, oatmeal dan beras merah) - dan ada yang berkata "seluruh" pada label. Membuat lebih banyak makanan dari awal (dengan cara yang lebih mudah daripada yang Anda pikirkan). Anda akan berakhir menghemat uang, makan sehat dan mengurangi semua limbah diciptakan dari pengemasan dan pengolahan makanan.

9. Basah peluit Anda dengan air. Amerika minum dalam jumlah yang sangat besar soda, minuman olahraga, energi penguat, jus (yang sering mengandung sedikit jus), dan minuman botol lain. Masalah pertama dengan hal ini adalah bahwa sebagian besar minuman-minuman ini banyak mengandung pemanis buatan rasa dan warna. Yang kedua adalah bahwa mereka botol plastik, yang dapat leach bahan kimia tambahan ke dalam minuman. Tubuh Anda 70-75% air, jadi hidrat itu dengan air! Dan, melewatkan sekali pakai air kemasan. Sekali lagi, dapat terkontaminasi oleh botol plastik. Juga, kurang diatur daripada air keran. Melakukan investasi dalam air filter dan dapat digunakan kembali botol air stainless steel. Mereka cepat membayar untuk diri mereka sendiri.

10. Makan-in lebih sering. Ketika Anda makan di restoran atau mengambil sesuatu dari deli Anda memiliki sangat sedikit kontrol atas apa yang Anda dapatkan. Menghemat uang dan melindungi kesehatan Anda dengan membuat makanan di rumah. Bila Anda melakukannya keluar, membuat pilihan sehat.

Natural Fat Burner For Healthy Lifestyle

Green Tea Fat Burner Gel - Natural Fat Burner For Healthy Lifestyle

Have you ever try Green Tea Fat Burner Soft Gel? Its really great natural fat burner supplement. As we know that green tea is a herbal fat burner because of Polyphenol in it.

Other research in humans by researchers the University of Lausanne in Switzerland showed that green tea has a heat producing compounds and fat burning more than caffeine. When 31 healthy men and women were given a drink containing catechins, caffeine and calcium for three days, their energy use for 24 hours increased 4.6 percent.
Rata Penuh
But we must wise for drinking diet tea like I mentioned before on my post. But the point is drinking green tea fat burner supplement not bad choice for your healthy lifestyle. For suggestion, I prefer Applied Nutrition Green Tea Fat Burner, Maximum Strength with 400 mg EGCG, Fast-Acting, 90 Liquid Soft-Gels.

Tips for a Healthy Diet and Better Nutrition

Healthy Eating: Guide to New Food Pyramids and Tips for a Healthy Diet

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible – all which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and incorporating them in a way that works for you.

Choose the types of foods that improve your health and avoid the types of foods that raise your risk for such illnesses as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Expand your range of healthy choices to include a wide variety of delicious foods. Learn to use guidelines and tips for creating and maintaining a satisfying, healthy diet.

10 Healthy Eating Tips for the Busy College Student

The average college student is often pressed for time, under a lot of stress and eating on the go. You may find it difficult to avoid bad habits like skipping meals or frequenting fast food restaurants. But eating a healthy diet can help you feel better, cope with stress and perform better in the class-room and on the athletic field. It really isn't that hard to get started.


Eat a good breakfast. Studies show that skipping breakfast detracts from scholastic achievement. When there isn't time to sit down and enjoy your morning meal, grab a bagel, piece of fruit, and some juice. Most of these items can be easily stored in your dorm room.


If you must eat fast foods, choose wisely. Choose pizza with half the cheese, a regular size roast beef sandwich, baked potato, or green salad with reduced calorie dressing. Limit high fat offering like french fries, fried chicken or fish sandwiches and watch out for salad dressing.


Keep healthful snacks on hand so if hunger strikes during a late night study session, you won't be tempted by vending machine candy, chips, or ice cream. Possibilities include fresh or dried fruit, pretzels, unbuttered popcorn, rice cakes or whole wheat cracker. If you have a refrigerator, consider raw vegetables with low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese dip.


Eat plenty of foods that are rich in calcium. People in their early twenties need to be build up stores of calcium in their bodies to prevent osteoporosis in later life. If you don't like milk, try to include ample amounts of low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese, and green leafy vegetables in your diet.


If you need to lose weight, do it sensibly. Starvation and/or diets that offer a quick fix usually backfire and are harmful. There is not truth to the theories that suggest eating foods in any particular combination will promote weight loss. The only safe way to lose weight, feel good while doing it, and keep it off is to eat a balanced diet.


Sugar provides calories in your diet but few other nutrients and it contributes significantly to tooth decay. Use it sparingly and consider sweetening coffee, tea, cereal and fruit with diet sweeteners instead.


The dining hall salad bar can be either an asset or a detriment to you diet depending on how you choose from it. Of course, leafy greens, raw vegetable and fresh fruit are beneficial. But if you choose lot of creamy dressing, bacon bit, and mayonnaise based salads, the calories and fat may equal or even exceed those of a burger and fries.


If you drink alcohol, keep in mind that it supplies calories but no nutritional value. A light beer, a glass of wine, or an ounce of liquor each has about 100 calories. There are also many health problems associated with drinking alcohol.


Drink lots of water. Your body needs at least eight glasses a day, and if you exercise vigorously, you may need more. To remind yourself, carry a water bottle along to class and keep it handy during late night study sessions.


Remember, food is a lot more than nourishment for our bodies. Enjoy and savor it.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Top tips to have a flipping good pancake day

It's pancak


e day, and time to enjoy a tasty treat. But don’t forget about your heart health.

Read on for some mouth watering ideas:

Breakfast bonanza

Pancakes may not be an everyday choice, but breakfast should be. Why not kick start a new routine this Shrove Tuesday with a small pancake topped with banana, pineapple and low fat yoghurt.

Grease alert!

Ditch the butter to cut the saturated fat. Instead use a non stick pan and a small amount of unsaturated oil instead like olive, rapeseed, sunflower or corn oil.

A better batter

Using skimmed or semi skimmed milk for your batter rather than whole milk will reduce the total fat content as well as the saturated fat.

Health by stealth!

Replace some of the plain flour in your batter with wholemeal flour for a higher fibre pancake – perfect for savoury fillings and more satisfying to eat.


Fruity fillings

Branch out from the lemon juice and sugar and try chopped or mashed banana, stewed fruit or berries to add towards your five a day.

Sweet enough already?

A chunky vegetable ratatouille or home made vegetable curry makes a great filling for those who prefer a savoury option. It’ll provide fibre, vitamins and minerals too.

Creamy alternative

Instead of whipped cream or ice cream try a thick low fat yoghurt or fromage frais instead for a lighter option.

Portion control

Keep your portion sizes down – a large pancake can contain around 450 calories, and that’s before you add the filling. Don’t miss out on the fun though, make your pancakes a smaller size or share one with a friend instead.

Keep Children Healthy

As a parent, you want your child to be as healthy and happy as possible – and there’s plenty you can do to help them.

Keeping your child active and teaching them about healthy eating can have a lifelong impact and reduce their risk of coronary heart di sease.

Why should my child do physical activity?

Physical activity is good for your child’s mind, body and soul. While you may have to drag them away from their latest computer game, allowing them to live a sedentary lifestyle could have long-term implications on their health. Physical activity:

  • helps your child build a healthy heart and develop strong muscles and bones
  • helps to reduce the risk of some chronic diseases in later life
  • reduces body fat and helps them feel good about themselves
  • improves their social and moral development and reduces anxiety and stress
  • increases their opportunity to mix with other children and make friends.

How long should my child do physical activity?

Children and young people should aim to participate in physical activity for 60 minutes every day. They need to do a moderate intensity activity, like walking, dancing, games, swimming, cycling, active play and most sports. It’s also recommended that they take part in activities which enhance and maintain muscular strength, flexibility and bone health at least twice a week, such as climbing, skipping, jumping or gymnastics.

They don’t need to do the whole hour at once, and it can be split over the day. They could do four 15-minute blocks, or three of 20 minutes – as long as they get their full hour of physical activity, it doesn’t matter when they do it.

You can incorporate this into their daily life easily – walk with them to and from school, encourage them to participate in PE lessons, enjoy active play with friends at break times and arrange for them to play sport or take part in structured exercise out of school. Fruit and veg

Why should I worry about what my child is eating?

By encouraging your child to eat a healthy, balanced diet, you’re teaching them good habits for life. Eating too much salt, saturated fat and having an unhealthy eating habits can lead to coronary heart disease. Eating healthily improves their physical health, wellbeing and their concentration at school.

How do I make healthy food interesting?

A healthy well-balanced diet should include five portions of fruit or veg every day.

Encourage them to see if they can eat a rainbow of colours each day - purple plums, blue blueberries, red tomatoes, green broccoli, yellow sweetcorn and orange carrots. Put a whiteboard in your kitchen and let them draw on a new line to their rainbow after each meal.

Suggest alternatives to sweet, sugary and fatty snacks and offer fruit and veg, rice crackers, dried fruit and yoghurts instead.

Keep Yourself Healthy

Holistic health, should be seen from an integral point of view, taking into consideration several aspects such as :

Nutrition. We should always get an adequate nutrition, it is necessary to have a balanced combination of the following elements : Minerals, Vitamins, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Fibers, Pure water, Oxygen, Sunlight

A good combination of these elements provides the correct nutrition that the body requires.

Positive attitude. It is essential to keep stress low. These keeps the immune system in good condition which produces as a consequence, good health. Stress, on the other hand, tenses neck and back muscles which causes some vertebras in the spinal column to move and dislocate provoking a series of disorders.

Spinal Column. Keeping the spinal column in good condition is important to optimum health. Correct posture, sleeping on a good mattress, and keeping stress low, plus correct nutrition are required factors for maintaining the skeletal system in good health.

Exercise. Exercising daily is also am essential factor for good health, Exercise stimulates the organs like the heart and joints, and in general, activates the whole body, giving vitality even to the farthest cell.

Hygiene. Hygiene for the body is as essential to good health as the other elements. Taking a bath or shower everyday, scrubbing your skin with a gentle loofah or body scrub 2 times a week, brushing your teeth and flossing, cleaning the colon periodically, as well as fasting, which eliminates toxins in the organism, are necessary factors to maintain good health.