Friday, February 19, 2010

Keep Yourself Healthy

Holistic health, should be seen from an integral point of view, taking into consideration several aspects such as :

Nutrition. We should always get an adequate nutrition, it is necessary to have a balanced combination of the following elements : Minerals, Vitamins, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Fibers, Pure water, Oxygen, Sunlight

A good combination of these elements provides the correct nutrition that the body requires.

Positive attitude. It is essential to keep stress low. These keeps the immune system in good condition which produces as a consequence, good health. Stress, on the other hand, tenses neck and back muscles which causes some vertebras in the spinal column to move and dislocate provoking a series of disorders.

Spinal Column. Keeping the spinal column in good condition is important to optimum health. Correct posture, sleeping on a good mattress, and keeping stress low, plus correct nutrition are required factors for maintaining the skeletal system in good health.

Exercise. Exercising daily is also am essential factor for good health, Exercise stimulates the organs like the heart and joints, and in general, activates the whole body, giving vitality even to the farthest cell.

Hygiene. Hygiene for the body is as essential to good health as the other elements. Taking a bath or shower everyday, scrubbing your skin with a gentle loofah or body scrub 2 times a week, brushing your teeth and flossing, cleaning the colon periodically, as well as fasting, which eliminates toxins in the organism, are necessary factors to maintain good health.

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